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Happy New Year
I would like to take you for a drive
in the car I don’t own any more
you will delay leaving and go back to the house
to find your glasses, your phone, your tea
then you will finally get into the car and
place your hand on my shoulder “for a good trip”
We will pass some rolling hills with trees and shady parts
and you will say for the hundredth tim
“look how beautiful”
Then you will find a nailfile and start
shaping your fingernails and Beethoven will start
playing his Emperor Concerto on the radio
After a certain intersection you will take out
your phone and call your friend who lives
in the vicinity – always the same intersection,
always the same friend
At some stage in the journey you will yawn,
excuse yourself and fall asleep. I don’t mind,
it makes me feel protective just having you next to me
snoring softly, depending on me to get you there
After fourteen years of more or less continual repetitions
of this scenario, you will slap my face and yell “get
out of here and don’t come back” and I will wake up
and wonder how I keep dreaming the same old dream
Happy New Year
© Johnmichael Simon
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