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Hammer and Nail
She’s thin, beautiful
her body shiny and submissive
generations of servitude and obedience
have made her this way, virginal and gleaming
On her afternoon off, strolling down a back street
slim body covered head to toe
her curious feminine head cloaked in mystery
only her eyes hunger out like laser beams
absorbing all: two American teenage tourists
wearing stone-washed jeans; a mannequin of a bride
in a shop window, straight out of Vogue,
freedom and democracy imprinted on a label
that peeps out under its bared left shoulder.
He is dominant - handsome and bearded in his military style outfit
arm raised for the downward blow, in a salute to tradition
his birthright, that generations f muscled forebears have bequeathed him
mastery complete and unquestioned. He is builder, erector of home
hearth and temple, judge, jury, commander, destroyer,
blow after iron blow.
Yet there are whispers in the trees. Talk in the streets,
The hand that rocks the cradle, beauty and determination
we are hard as, yes, nails! We are the pinions that hold your houses together
they cry, our slender fingers fasten the furniture of your lives
After your limbs have withered, your obstinate iron heads have
thickened in rust, we will prevail. Think not Master and Slave,
Hammer and Nail. Think Mother and Child, giver of life,
think History, think Liberty – arm raised in light.
© Johnmichael Simon
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